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3 Brilliant Quotes From Game of Thrones
After watching the gruesome first 20 minutes of the first episode of Game of Thrones, I turned off the show and thought: “People are sick. How can they watch this?” As the series evolved, I’d sometimes walk by where my son and his friends were watching the latest episode. Seeing those dragons cemented my first impression: “How in the world can people be into this?”
But then I became enlightened. People whose opinions I respected raved about Game of Thrones. I made myself watch the first and second episodes. By the third, I was fully converted.
I was so enthralled by the human drama that I watched the show with the remote in one hand and pen and paper in the other. Every now and again, I’d pause the episode to jot down something a character had said that instantly gave words to how I felt about certain topics and people.
Nearly a year has passed since the last episode aired, and still a few of the quotes I wrote come to mind on occasion.
“He would see this country burn if he could be king of the ashes.”
My brain shook when I heard Lord Varys (aka the Eunoch) make this remark about the manipulative, power hungry Lord Baelish (aka Littlefinger).